
ecsjobs is configured via YAML files stored in S3 or locally. The paths to these files are specified via environment variables.

S3 Configuration

S3 is used as the source for the configuration files when the ECSJOBS_BUCKET and ECSJOBS_KEY environment variables are set. The former specifies the name of the S3 bucket that configuration will be retrieved from. The latter specifies the name of a key within the bucket to retrieve the configuration files from. If the key name ends in .yaml or .yml it will be assumed to be a file, and used as a single configuration file. If it does not, it will be assumed to be a “directory”, and all .yml or .yaml files directly below it will be used.

Local File Configuration

Local file configuration is controlled via the ECSJOBS_LOCAL_CONF_PATH environment variable. While it’s recommended to use S3 for production use, local file configuration is useful in testing or to validate config files before uploading them to S3. the ECSJOBS_BUCKET and ECSJOBS_KEY environment variables take precedence over ECSJOBS_LOCAL_CONF_PATH. If the path specified by this variable is a directory, all .yml and .yaml files under it (recursively) will be loaded as configuration. Otherwise, it will be assumed to be a single YAML file.

Single File

If configuring with a single file (ECSJOBS_KEY ends in .yml or .yaml and is a file), the top-level of a file must be a mapping with keys global and jobs. The value of global must be a mapping following the schema described below. The value of jobs must be a list of mappings, each following the schema described below.

For single file configurations, Jobs within a Schedule will be executed in the order they appear in the jobs array.

Multiple Files

If configuring with multiple files (ECSJOBS_KEY does not end in .yml or .yaml and is used as a prefix/directory), all .yml or .yaml keys in the bucket beginning with (prefixed by) ECSJOBS_KEY will be used for configuration. There must be one file named global.yml or global.yaml corresponding to the global schema described below. All other .yml or .yaml files will be treated as job configurations, one job per file, each corresponding to the schema described below.

For multi-file configurations, Jobs within a Schedule will be executed in the lexicographic order of the files each Job is defined in.

Global Schema

The global configuration file or mapping should match the following:

  • from_email - String, email address to set as FROM.
  • to_email - List of Strings, email notification recipients.
  • inter_poll_sleep_sec - (optional) how many seconds to sleep between each poll cycle to check the status of asynchronous jobs. Defaults to 10 seconds.
  • max_total_runtime_sec - (optional) Maximum runtime for each ecsjobs invocation, in seconds. If invocation runs longer than this amount, it will die with an error. Default is 3600 seconds (1 hour).
  • email_subject - (optional) a string to use for the email report subject, instead of “ECSJobs Report”.
  • failure_html_path - (optional) a string absolute path to write the HTML email report to on disk, if sending via SES fails. If not specified, a temporary file will be used (via Python’s tempfile.mkstemp) and its path included in the output. If specified, the string {date} in this setting will be replaced with the current datetime (at time of config load) in %Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S format.
  • failure_command - (optional) Array. A command to call if sending via SES fails. This should be an array beginning with the absolute path to the executable, suitable for passing to Python’s subprocess.Popen(). The content of the HTML report will be passed to the process on STDIN.

Job Schema

Each job configuration file or mapping should match the following:

  • name - A unique name for the job.
  • class_name - The name of a subclass.
  • schedule - A string to identify which jobs to run at which times.
  • summary_regex - A String regular expression to use for extracting a string from the job output for use in the summary table. If there is more than one match, the last one will be used.
  • cron_expression - A string cron-like expression parsable by cronex specifying when the job should run. This has the effect of causing runs to skip this job unless the expression matches. It’s recommended not to use any minute specifiers and not to use any hour specifiers if the total runtime of all jobs is more than an hour.

The rest of the Job keys depend on the class. See the documentation of each Job subclass for the required configuration.

Example Configuration


The content of global.yml might look like:

Email reports can also be sent to multiple recipients:

All Job Classes

All Job classes require the name, schedule and class_name properties:

name: jobName
schedule: scheduleName
class_name: SomeJobSubclassName

They also support two optional properties, summary_regex and cron_expression. See the documentation for the Job class for more information.

Local Commands

Commands can be specified as a string:

name: jobName
schedule: scheduleName
class_name: LocalCommand
command: /bin/true

Or as an array:

name: jobName
schedule: scheduleName
class_name: LocalCommand
command: ['/bin/echo', 'foo']