Source code for

The latest version of this package is available at:

Copyright 2017 Jason Antman <> <>

    This file is part of ecsjobs, also known as ecsjobs.

    ecsjobs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    ecsjobs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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Jason Antman <> <>

import abc  # noqa
from import Job
from import DockerExecMixin
import logging
import docker

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class EcsDockerExec(Job, DockerExecMixin): """ Subclass of :py:class:`~.DockerExec` that runs the ``exec`` against a Docker container that is part of an ECS Task, using the `ECS Agent Introspection metadata < latest/developerguide/ecs-agent-introspection.html>`_ to identify the container to ``exec`` against. Note that the functionality of this class depends on the Docker container labels set by the Amazon ECS Container Agent, specifically the ``com.amazonaws.ecs.task-definition-family`` and ``com.amazonaws.ecs.container-name`` labels as `set in version 1.16.0 < /docker_task_engine.go#L710>`_ """ #: Dictionary describing the configuration file schema, to be validated #: with `jsonschema <>`_. _schema_dict = { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'task_definition_family': { 'type': 'string' }, 'container_name': { 'type': 'string' }, 'command': { 'oneOf': [ {'type': 'string'}, { 'type': 'array', 'items': [ {'type': 'string'} ] } ] }, 'tty': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'stdout': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'stderr': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'privileged': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'user': {'type': 'string'}, 'environment': { 'oneOf': [ {'type': 'object'}, {'type': 'array'} ] } }, 'required': [ 'container_name', 'command' ] } def __init__(self, name, schedule, summary_regex=None, cron_expression=None, task_definition_family=None, container_name=None, command=None, tty=False, stdout=True, stderr=True, privileged=False, user='root', environment=None): """ :param name: unique name for this job :type name: str :param schedule: the name of the schedule this job runs on :type schedule: str :param summary_regex: A regular expression to use for extracting a string from the job output for use in the summary table. If there is more than one match, the last one will be used. :type summary_regex: ``string`` or ``None`` :param cron_expression: A cron-like expression parsable by `cronex <>`_ specifying when the job should run. This has the effect of causing runs to skip this job unless the expression matches. It's recommended not to use any minute specifiers and not to use any hour specifiers if the total runtime of all jobs is more than an hour. :type cron_expression: str :param task_definition_family: The ECS Task Definition "family" to use to find the container to execute in. **Required.** :type task_definition_family: str :param container_name: The name of the Docker container (within the specified Task Definition Family) to run the exec in. **Required.** If more than one running container is found with a matching family and container name, the first match will be used. :type container_name: str :param command: The command to execute as either a String or a List of Strings, as used by :py:meth:`docker.api.exec_api.ExecApiMixin.exec_create`. :type command: :py:obj:`str` or :py:obj:`list` :param tty: Whether or not to allocate a TTY when reading output from the command; passed through to :py:meth:`docker.api.exec_api.ExecApiMixin.exec_start`. :type tty: bool :param stdout: Whether or not to attach to/capture STDOUT. Passed through to :py:meth:`docker.api.exec_api.ExecApiMixin.exec_create`. :type stdout: bool :param stderr: Whether or not to attach to/capture STDERR. Passed through to :py:meth:`docker.api.exec_api.ExecApiMixin.exec_create`. :type stderr: bool :param privileged: Whether or not to run the command as privileged. Passed through to :py:meth:`docker.api.exec_api.ExecApiMixin.exec_create`. :type privileged: bool :param user: The username to run the command as. Default is "root". :type user: str :param environment: A dictionary or list of string environment variables to set. Passed through to :py:meth:`docker.api.exec_api.ExecApiMixin.exec_create`. :type environment: :py:obj:`dict` or :py:obj:`list` """ super(EcsDockerExec, self).__init__( name, schedule, summary_regex=summary_regex, cron_expression=cron_expression ) self._docker = None assert task_definition_family is not None, 'task_definition_family ' \ 'must be specified' assert container_name is not None, 'container_name must be specified' self._family = task_definition_family self._task_container_name = container_name self._container_name = None self._command = command self._container = None self._tty = tty self._stdout = stdout self._stderr = stderr self._privileged = privileged self._user = user self._environment = environment
[docs] def run(self): """ Run the command for the job. Either raise an exception or return True if the command exited 0, False if it exited non-zero. :return: True if command exited 0, False otherwise. """ self._container_name = self._find_container() self._docker_run() return self._exit_code == 0
[docs] def _find_container(self): """ Using ``self._family`` and ``self._task_container_name``, find the name of the first currently-running Docker container for that task. :return: name of first matching running Docker container :rtype: str """ _docker = docker.from_env() for c in _docker.containers.list(): if c.status != 'running': logger.debug('Skipping container %s (not running)', continue cn = c.labels.get('com.amazonaws.ecs.container-name', None) fam = c.labels.get('com.amazonaws.ecs.task-definition-family', None) if cn != self._task_container_name: logger.debug('Skipping container %s (wrong container name)', continue if fam != self._family: logger.debug('Skipping container %s (wrong family)', continue'Found container for ECS %s/%s: %s (%s)', self._family, self._task_container_name,, return raise RuntimeError( 'ERROR: Could not find running container for ECS Task ' 'family=%s container_name=%s' % ( self._family, self._task_container_name ) )
[docs] def report_description(self): """ Return a one-line description of the Job for use in reports. :rtype: str """ return '%s/%s: %s' % ( self._family, self._task_container_name, self._command )
@property def error_repr(self): """ Return a detailed representation of the job state for use in error reporting. :return: detailed representation of job in case of error :rtype: str """ ecode = '' if self._exit_code is not None: ecode = 'Exit Code: %s\n' % self._exit_code try: cid = 'Container ID: %s\n' % self._container.short_id except Exception: cid = '' return "%s\nSchedule Name: %s\nStarted: %s\nFinished: %s\n" \ "Duration: %s\n%sTask Family: %s\nTask Container Name: %s\n%s" \ "TTY: %s\nPrivileged: %s\nEnvironment: %s\nOutput: %s\n" % ( self.__repr__(), self._schedule_name, self._started, self._finished, self.duration, ecode, self._family, self._task_container_name, cid, self._tty, self._privileged, self._environment, self._output )